Monday, February 15, 2021

Making Money While You Workout and Adventure Travel

How to Become Completely Free in a World Designed to Enslave us.


Written By Erskien Lenier

First I’m going to talk about the system most of humanity is born into:

It’s designed to insure that most of us will live like factory farmed animals all our lives: Being herded from home to work and back home, being fed what the factory wants us to eat (only that which profits them more than it does us) and seeks to keep us in this loop of diminishing returns that ends in unresolvable debt and ultimately death by fork, drugs, various side effects of chronic cortisol producing stresses and of one is lucky a week or 2 of vacation each year. 

What a grim fate!

Next is an outline of How to Become Truly Free in a World Bent on Our Enslavement

For most of us, our school years were aligned with programming us to be obedient, unquestioning and compliant instead of curious, creative and developing our own “innerstanding” of what motivates and feeds us on all levels us naturally and uniquely. 

Most are discouraged from trying to hitch their careers to their passions with comments like “You can’t make money doing that! And there’s no demand for someone with a degree in that!” So most are steered towards career tracks that become other people’s lives and not ones own. Nice way to smoother ones spirit!

We imprison ourselves in mental cages constructed year by year insidiously by years of government and even private “education” by gradually eroding our natural fitness through more and more hours of sitting and less and less allowance of being able to question anything. We are told to download them regurgitate on command with no unique but correct answers of our own. 

Those considered to be “Top Students” display the most effective “Stockholm Syndrome” 

Click here for the meaning of: Stockholm Syndrome

Intended to set us up to unquestionably live as literal modern day slaves or creatures the so called upper class parasitically feeds upon to support and build their lifestyles that offer more access to optimal resources and more leisure time to pursue what’s considered to be higher objectives that are in reality only impoverished thinking dressed in the drippings of ego.

For everyone below them in their self imposed hierarchy, their fate is to travel a rut: debt for a degree before any income is earned, graduating to career paths that have evolved beyond the data fed to the student by the time the student is ready to begin their chosen degree qualifying work. 

Entry level jobs are all set up so the employer can get away with paying us the least the employer can get away with under the law. 

Graduate degree jobs - employers seek workers in or from other countries because the other countries wages are so low that if the employer throws in a little more money or perks the foreign employee feels as if they’ve won the lottery!

More and more companies are outsourcing to third world countries jobs where they can pay pennies on the dollar compared to what’s considered 1st world wages.

The largest trend right now is companies automating production, and processes to keep manufacturing and distribution in the country of consumption but also allow the stock holders and board of directors to keep even more of the profits.

This above pattern is interesting because capitalism requires that the population have or produce their own money to buy the ever increasing one use and throw away stuff the machines of efficiency produce millions of a day but these same machines are putting humans out of jobs!

Working ridiculously long hours or multiple jobs, sucks the life force right out of us. 

We try to fill with void by buying stuff that does nothing to give us back what was stolen. Leaving us impoverished and in debt often times.

That’s one heck of a bleak image eh? But it’s life for those tick ticking along unaware that that are unaware. 

In The Matrix Morpheus calls it “Like a Splinter in The Mind”

I know for me, I didn’t come into this Life just to grind my life away just to pay some bills, make some guy rich so he could live the life of my dreams and I end up worn out, broke and on dialysis and a cabinet full of drugs until I died of some system failure or drug contraindications. (Side effects)

I spent the early decades of my life in the sport of Bicycle Road Racing. I had a dream of one day getting paid to do what I loved. So I pursued becoming a Pro Cyclist. As I moved up I realized that i didn’t hold all the cards necessary to make it to the top ranks. It was in the hands of many layers of others and as we know today: drugs!

It took me 3/4 million miles in the saddle to gain enough perspective to see that path wasn’t it.

I eventually realized I didn’t like constant competition and the shallow dog eat dog thinking of the culture that goes with it. 

I craved to find others who enjoyed high level fitness and were more intentionally aligned with their hearts and helping others innerstand their own unique personalities and how to create a funded life that supported and cultivated them in alignment with their core values. 

I shifted from the pursuit of becoming - being a Professional Cyclist to becoming an employee in hopes of a “Normal” lifestyle where  cash flow would become like a faucet or ATM machine and I’d have exposure to more varieties of people, their experiences and personalities. I wanted to see and know more of what life had to offer.

The trap in that thinking was not realizing how becoming an employee is trap! I thought I’d work the winters and quit for the summers to go bike racing. 

I quickly realized that because those in jobs and those in charge of staffing aren’t free themselves, they don’t want anyone else in that in their sphere of influence to have more freedom than they do. You quit for the season? Don’t come back!

In bicycle road racing if I wanted to make more money I raced more and set myself up to win more. 

In a job, the boss controlled what I earned and even whether I earned and instead of becoming fitter each day, I became more unfit. 

Instead of finishing the day feeling filled with endorphins, I was full of cortisol - the negative stress hormone.  

Instead of being hungry for living foods, I craved dead foods and condiments to cover up the dead foods repulsively flat or dead taste and got taken out by the lack of nutrients as in brain fade - jo energy for workouts or training!

Instead of drifting off to sleep easily, I was restless and even once asleep, no matter how many hours I slept, I woke up tired and not ready to go back to work but had to because if I missed any hours of work my bills and the month wouldn’t overlap. A constant fear cycle that was eating me up inside.

Sound familiar?

Weeks became months, months became years, a thought kept whispering in my mind until one day it became a scream! 

“There’s got to be a better way to make money and still have a Life!?”

A way to have a more than adequate cash flow that allowed anyone to be free to workout, rest as needed or desired, rise when inspired, explore and have adventures as desired, be free to meet varieties of people through our alignment of like or kindred spirited instead of by assignment as in a job environment!

And since it was obvious that very few people in the “Master - Slave” kind of work - money arrangement seemed happy at all:

What would a residual income producing businesses model look like?

(Residual income is money produced by systems and resources that produce income on auto pilot on a predictable interval like monthly)

Residual Income is historically is normally a feature of money production available mostly to the rich who have either inherited wealth to invest or have learned to work systems that leverage their time and effort and or other resources to make money while they sleep or do other things as so with the traditional image of wealth  most of those who I attract are repulsed by including myself.

I also wanted my ideal location independent business to give me the wisdom to illuminate a path fir others to set themselves free financially along with optimizing their health. 

The link below will leverage your ability in how you can turn your own desire to power up your body into a self employment business model that is built from the ground up for personal and financial freedom. Perfect for introverts as I coach on attraction and alignment instead of hustling and forceful selling. 

What you\"re about to explore is the purest form of Entrepreneurship that exists in modern society. I consider this financial justice in a system mostly bent on unfair and disempowering practices. 

You won’t need any kind of traditional capital, special degrees, buildings, accounting skills, licenses or anything. You will do no selling, door knocking, convincing, arm twisting, chasing people or any other annoyingly ridiculous behavior. 

Think “Alignment” 

You are reading this right now because recently you’ve had thoughts about exactly what I’ve spelled out here and you attracted me and this possibility into your life. 

What you are and what you want is innately attractive in similar ways to how a magnet attracts metal filings. 

The fruits of this attraction belong to you, no different than the bird flying by me just now has desires for food and in flying about and allowing it’s inner connections to it’s pure intentions will collapse time and space to eventually be in front of the seeds it needs for optimal nourishment.

We all have this ability when we sidestep the noise of the zombie mind driven world and listen for even a few moments to our hearts with an open mind towards asking the whole mind to assist us in bringing about our Truest Nature.

Who you are right now and what you’ve already got is more than enough to begin your realignment to your ideal life.

The first step in your realignment will be to optimize the way you fuel your journey from the inside out. 

Humans are not designed to thrive upon a diet of mostly dead foods.

Once you open the link below,

Be sure to explore all 3 tabs along the top of the  front page.

The following pages will expand your understanding of why store bought organic foods and even most locally grown organic fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts and seeds may not actually be at peak nutrient content when they are harvested.


Want to be an Adventure Traveler? By foot, Van or RV? Maybe you want a Tiny Home? Or a ranch for rescued animals? Maybe to go live on a mountain with an epic view below? On a secluded cliff of rock overlooking a sandy beach? 

Maybe like me, you’d just like a simple life of adventure travel and the excess income could be used to gift those in need as we meet and share stories along the way?

Want to pay off your debts? 

How about growing the high vitality foods you need even without garden space? Even indoors? Don’t have enough space or time to grow your own food? Let’s fix that! 

Want your health back? How about your fitness? 

Want off all those drugs? 

Want to have friends that are also free of all the chains listed above to hang out with or travel with? 

Want more solo - me time? 


Time to write a book?

Time to get in the best shape of your life?

Click here:

Plant Powered Lifestyles of The Minimalist 👣🏃🏾☀️🍑🍉🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍇🍓🍈🍒🥭🍍🥝🍅🥑🥦🥬🥒🥕🌽🥔🍠🥗

veganfruitarianhome businesswork from homeremote workcomputer workcomputer work, location independenceadventure traveladventure travel, adventure travel jobsself employmenthealth buildinghealth building, immune health


Erskien Lenier

Erskien Lenier

Born to Be Free - Just Like You

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