It's Erskien Lenier the owner of the google blog LandSuringPro.com used to be directing visitors to.
At 63 1/2 right now, I'm building my fitness to levels I've not been able to attain ever before and growing nation wide and soon to be international business partnership that will fund this endeavor and set many of my partners free to join me if they like along the way or design and implement their own Ultimate Bucket List Dreams.
The blog that you were brought to at LandSurfingPro.com still exist at https://erskien.blogspot.com however google has notified all bloggers on their platform that the subscriber feature will disappear this coming July 2021 and no one visiting will be able to subscribe or be notified when we publish new post any more. So I won't be posting any more to that blog and the still useful and relevant informational post I created for that blog will be updated and imported to the new https://landsurfingpro.com
Thus I've found an even better blog platform and I think as you browse it and see where I'm going with it you'll want to get a hello at your email inbox to let you know I've published another insightful and inspiring post worth exploring.
I'm gearing up to launch what will be the most challenging and inspiring run of my life: Imagine this....
Running from Riverside CA to San Diego at the Mexican Border... Then heading over to Pacific Coast Highway and heading North all the way to Vancouver, WA... Running across to a North South alignment with the Sierra Mountain chain and heading South again the Mexican Border again... Running over to the Southern Rockies and heading North to the Canadian Border again. Continue repeating this pattern of North - South to South - North until I reach Miami Beach FL about 2 years and 30,000 miles later...
You can click here and resubscribe as the new site is a work in process and you won't want to miss anything as the quality and depth of its content I promise to will be "Soul Food" level inspiring and highly useful towards creating the life you want as your ideal.
Erskien Lenier